
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Whoop Whoop!
Brea over at Let's Talk Speech-Language Pathology has nominated me for two blog awards.

For receiving the One Lovely Blog award, I have to:
Follow the person who gave me the award - already done.
  1. Link back to the blog - Let's Talk Speech-Language Pathology
  2. Pass to 15 bloggers and let them know that they have received the award.
For receiving the Versatile Blogger award, I have to:
  1. Thank the blogger who nominated me - thank you, Brea!
  2. Include a link to their blog - really, check out Let's Talk Speech-Language Pathology  . Her blog is fantastic.
  3. Include the image award in my post - see above.
  4. Give seven random facts about myself - see below.
  5. Nominate 15 other blogs for the award.
  6. When nominating, include a link to the blog.
  7. Let the other bloggers know that they have been nominated.
Seven random facts about myself:
  1. I don't drink POP either.  I am an unsweet tea kinda gal...
  2. I am scared of horses.
  3. I love taking vacations with my family.
  4. My favorite hobby is cooking.
  5. I love Sunday Funday at Lake Texhoma.
  6. I listen to all types of music. 
  7. I can be a little OCD at times. 
Here are the fifteen blogs I am nominating for these awards:


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