
Friday, July 19, 2013

Speech Room News - Love it and List It...GAMES are GREAT!

Well, I am just sitting here thinking, only about 2 weeks left until myself and the little start back to school  I am not really sure how I feel about that, a little bitter sweet.  I contract with schools so when I am not working, I am not getting paid, but I love to spend this time with my hubby and dot!   

Jenna over at Speech room news has just started a new a new linky party

I have never done a linky so I thought I would give it a tryThis month the topic of choice is.

Games in Therapy
using games in therapy is a great way to increase focused attention, turn taking, problem solving, participation, and plain old fun.  usually you will want to modify the games by making your own rules, holding onto the dice, or wands, and using your own cards or questions.  This will allow you to get multiple trials addressing multiple goals for different students. 

Main Product Image

I am a traveling slp so this is easy to grab.  A little tip, if you buy just one, you can use it to reach any goal you need.  Use it as an open ended game by asking your own questions, or targets

2.     Angry birds space

I use this game as a reinforcer after each student has taken a turn saying 10-20 targets.  I set up the tower to save time, they do a round robin to knock it down.  I have a little in a group using his vantage light to stating my turn, request help, and color of angry bird to one of his peers,
3.      Board games like blurt or tri-bound 

Again when I use these games, we usually don’t play a full game, or play by the given rules.  Board games are great but don’t limit yourself to the included cards.  A board with any of your own targets works nicely and can be used endlessly!  


My kids LOVe this game.  After we attempt several trials of our targets, we play a few turns of bugs and buttons.  I don’t know what it is about slinging cockroaches but it is a lot of funfor them and me as well

Again when I use these games, we usually don’t play a full game, or play by the given rules.  Board games are great but don’t limit yourself to the included cards.  A board with any of your own targets works nicely and can be used endlessly!   

Remember when you use games in your therapy session; don’t let the included rules or cards limit the possibilities.  One board with lists of articulation or vocabulary targets can last a long time.  It is a cheap and great way to begin to build your slp tool kit. 

Looking forward to next month’s love it, link it topic organization!




  1. I have Bugs and Buttons-but I don't think I've used it. I must have gotten it on a sale and forgot. Great list!


  2. Hey Kelly, thanks for comment, I plan on heading over to check out your blog and follow, would appreciate if you followed me back if you haven't done so. I think this is gonna be a great Linky!

  3. I LOVE angry birds space! Thanks for linking up!

    Speech Room News

  4. Jenna, Thanks for being a slp blogging pioneer! You go girl! Alicia


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